Two Easy Ways to Support Digestion

June 13, 2011 § Leave a comment

Digestive issues (gas, bloating, discomfort) arise because we haven’t broken down our food enough. Here are two quick tips that are affordable and we can all implement right now!

1. Chew! And chew, and chew, and chew…
They say if we all chewed our food properly, 90% of all food intolerances/allergies would be eradicated. However we never take the time to practice mindful eating and like to get everything “over with”, or we like the food so much we can’t stop! Chewing your food properly will help to pulverize it into more easy to digest pieces, lightening the load placed on your body and it’s organs. This frees up energy for it to focus on repairing muscles, cells, etc as it doesn’t need to focus as much on digestion.

2. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
First make sure it is raw (unpasteurized), and that it is from a good source. Raw ACV is alkaline forming in our bodies, but will help to stoke the digestive fires in our stomach. Many of us have low levels of stomach acid today due to medications, Tums, or improper chewing and digestion. Use ACV in your salads dressings during the day, take a spoonful before the meal (in raw honey or apple juice if you find it unpalatable like most).

Much love!


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