Utiliza la misma taza, por favor

June 12, 2011 § Leave a comment

All-inclusives are great ways to completely unwind. You pay upfront, and everything is taken care of (drinks, food – what more could you want). However the carbon footprint on these little pieces of paradise is high. From the continuous banquets of food, drinks used in throw-away plastic cups – these all add up.

I know, I know, it’s so beautiful! Who would stop going??

Well there is one thing we can all change. Stop using so many of those plastic cups! But before you think I’m crazy and telling you to stop drinking, I’m not :). Bring your own large containers and hand them to the bartenders to make your drinks in. I tried this with the plastic cup they gave me, but they barely ever understood me when I asked (or they just thought I was crazy and ignored me). That’s why you should remember this phrase, “Utiliza la misma taza por favor” aka Please use the same cup!

Drink to your hearts content, just don’t let the respect for Mama Earth go out the window. I know it is summer so many people won’t be going away on all-inclusive vacays (except those taking advantage of the cheap deals), but this is something we can all practice even at home. Summer is ripe with barbecues and beach parties, so try to be conscious of your litter. Take care!


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