You Can’t Please Everybody

June 20, 2011 § 1 Comment

Ever realize that when you make a change for yourself the people that are most resistant are those you are close too?

I recently went out to dinner with family friends to a place where I was allergic to most things on the menu. Given, I choose not to eat meat or seafood but the choice isn’t mine when it comes to gluten, dairy, or soy. So yes, in part I do bring much difficulty on myself.

However I don’t understand why people need to snicker and roll their eyes when you are actively trying to make it work at a place with limited options, especially when you are not complaining about the situation in any way.

Which brings me to the title of my post: You can’t please everybody. Whether it be your intention to become a better person, lose weight, or just eat healthier, many people are going to see these as “threats” to them and their comfort zone. However we just need to realize that it is their fear and their discomfort. When our intentions are things that will lead us to being happier and feeling more whole than we shouldn’t let it get us down. But, I will be first to admit, it is an easy thing to do.

My health journey has been a long one (still going); where I was a year ago can’t hold a candle to where I am now. It is very easy for others to judge and not understand the repercussions of cheating with foods, or get why I rule my body with “an iron fist” when it comes to not eating scrumptious rolls and cookies. But if only they knew that I never thought I could feel as good as I do now back when I was knee-deep in pizza and being the “fun” eater. I’ve made many changes that have brought me personal joy and I know I need to remember to let it all roll off my back.

Much love,


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